Tag: MXR

Justin Chancellor’s Amplifier and Effects pedals – TOOL (2/2)

Justin Chancellor’s Amplifier Rig Welcome back to part 2 of Justin Chancellor’s Amplifier and effects pedal rig. In this post we cover every amplifier rig he has used through TOOL. Then get down and dirty with some effects pedals. We also explore Justin’s 3 way output configuration and get tangled up in his strings.    …

Geezer Butler Bass Rack Rig – Bonus Content – “Know Your Bass Player” (3/3)

Geezer Butler Bass Rack the forgotten equipment Geezer Butler’s Bass Rack is not something that many have considered over the past two videos. Parts 1 and 2 were quite a task and took many hours cross referencing sources. Unfortunately there was some information that never made the cut for being irrelevant with the pacing and…